One hand at a time...

Location: Quezon City, Philippines

Married to a wonderful wife

Saturday, September 30, 2006


I can't post pictures so I will just give you all the gist of what is going on with my roll...

Started around Sept. 9th-Sept. 30

Most wins in a row - 5

Most loses in a row - 11

Highest ROI - 14.39%

Lowest ROI - -40%

(ROI can be misleading if it is still early, percentages can be exagerated)

Games played:

1+.10 = 2

1.40+.35 = 2

3+.40 = 15

5+.50 = 4

6+.50 = 106

10+1 = 50

20+2 = 4

30+3 = 2

SNG's = 203

MTT's = 87

Lucky I'm playing for fun. I'm still having a blast! Like a rollercoaster baby!

Good game.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Typoon! No electricity...

The manila area was hit by a typoon and now we don't have power for about 2 days now. No power, no internet so my online game is out. Hope it comes back before sunday night cause I am looking forward to the online tournament 11finger set up.

It is just awful that the power is out. Lucky there is still water!

I heard a couple of games kept going even thought there was a typoon.

Good game!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Chicken or the Egg!

Most players online know how to play poker on the get go so there really is no need for an adjustment period transitioning from live play to online play. I Started playing online with turbo's. Always keeping track of the blinds compared to the stacks of everyone, especially my stack. Pareng Harrington calls it the "M". lol

Now after about 3 weeks of playing 5 minute blinds I move up to a higher buy-in tourney and longer blinds (10 mins). What I found is I am able to adjust better because I am used to the fast blinds and now with the longer blinds, there is more room to "play". I am not under pressure from anyone. There have been times were I would get as low as x10 of the blinds on the second level and still come back. Of course there are a lot of times when beats happen and that is just poker.

Why do I post this, I ask other players out there to give feedback to new players interested in transitioning online. Is it better to start with turbo's then move to regular tourneys (10 or 15 minute blinds) or is it better to start with the long blinds?

For me it worked well that I started with turbo's. I was able to adjust better. I still play turbo's once in a while just to make sure that I can still hang with the "turbo" grinders!

Good game.

Two table 6 handed games...

I played my 1st 6 handed 2 table tournament and it was kind of interesting! I was down to about 350 at one point but since the blinds are slooooowwwww. I was able to come back and place. It was really slow though. Not my kind of game. You know how I like action games!

If you all like a long game. Check it out.

Oh, I can't post pictures, you all having problems like that?

Good game.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Roller Coaster Ride!

I looked at my ROI graph and I have not seen a more roller coaster like graph than that one. I will have stints of 8-10 losses for a really steep drop and then a couple of wins to try to bring it up then a ton of other losses. I don't know what I am lacking. I have been playing since Sept. 9 on my pokerstars account and I can't even see any profit. Oh well. At least I am having fun in the comfort of the apt.

Oh, for those of you that have a chart in excel for your ROI or any type of tracker. Please let me know where to get one. The home made one I have is ok but I don't know if it is right.

Now for some hands...

Early in a game and I get K's... two people pushed all in pre-flop and of course I can't let it go...

AcQc and AsJs...

Flop - 5s, 7s, 3d

Turn - 10s

River - ... I couldn't see cause I was too busy walking away from the computer... lol

Good game.