One hand at a time...

Location: Quezon City, Philippines

Married to a wonderful wife

Friday, March 02, 2007

Finally Played...

Played at a charity event which was very successful. As expected, I didn't do so well but I'm glad that I was able to contribute a little to the cause. Saw the same faces and a lot of new ones!

The game is getting big!

Good game!

Finally Played...

Played at a charity event which was very successful. As expected, I didn't do so well but I'm glad that I was able to contribute a little to the cause. Saw the same faces and a lot of new ones!

The game is getting big!

Good game!

Finally Played...

Played at a charity event which was very successful. As expected, I didn't do so well but I'm glad that I was able to contribute a little to the cause. Saw the same faces and a lot of new ones!

The game is getting big!

Good game!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

No Poker...

I have been really busy for quite some time so I haven't had a chance to play any poker. Yes, I still get all the invites, sorry I don't reply back. Usually I reply only if I can make it. Thank you for not stopping to invite me. I will try to make it to this sat's charity event.

Good game.