One hand at a time...

Location: Quezon City, Philippines

Married to a wonderful wife

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Got Rivered but I still Called!

I played in the casino for the gutshot tourney and I managed to build up a nice stack until I had a hand I couldn't let go. I'm not sure if it was bad play on my part or if I was just not paying attention but this is what happened.

I am on the cutoff and I peek down to see K's. I raise to 300 with the blinds being 40-80 with an ante of 10. (9 players)

BB has about 3800, I have about 2300

I get one caller, the big blind.

Flop - 10d, Qd, 7c - he checks and I bet 400 (pot is 700), he called

Turn - 8d - He checks and I bet 1k, he calls.

River - As - he pushes and I look at my stack and it 600... I call and he shows Ac10s! I get up and I leave...

I know it was a bad call... lesson learned!

I also tried the 10-20 cash game... lost there too. My KQ vs AK, trips K for both of us... AQ vs Trips 2, etc. All kinds of wicked hands.

Congratulations to some of the poker grinders at the ACF... they hit the Bad Beat Jackpot...

A10 vs K's... They saw all the way to the river... Not sure how the betting went out.

Flop - A 6 3
Turn - A
River - A


They had the Jackpot at 530+ thousand pesos! Wow.

I also saw Sunshines picture for winning the 500k guaranteed. Way to go!

Good game.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Forgot my password...

LOL... i couldn't post for a long time cause I forgot my password and I couldn't get the mail to reset it. Lucky it is fixed now. Have lots to talk about.

Here goes...

I am really excited to have the metro open up. Just waiting for the text message for the invite! Spent new years in batangas and I was invited to a poker game. That was the funniest thing. Their own version of Hold'em. The dealer button get their card 1st and they deal to the right. The stakes were odd too... 5-10 with 50 max buy in. Rake was a mandatory 5 and if the pot hits 100 its 10. It was fun cause it was family. I lost though... 200.

I also had some left over money online so I played that for a while and was able to play some small tournaments and was able to cash in a couple of them so that was good. I have been wanted to post pictures but for some reason blogger freezes. Oh well.

Saw some wicked hands and some wicked calls. Here are some scenarios and see if you can predict what the other player had...

Midway in an SNG and we have about 2 limpers over 1k each... with the blinds at 50-100. One player "short stack" has about 610 left and he raises to 300. The two limpers calls along with the smallblind and big blind. I folded AJ to that raise.

I will give the answer later.

Question: What do you think he has?

Flop - 6 8 J (this was the time I was kicking myself)- 100 bet from the shortstack and it gets called all the way around.

Turn - 6 (patting myself for a good fold cause I was thinking somebody had a 6 for sure) - All in for the shortstack... called by two people.

River X- One player pushes...


Shortstack - K's

Caller - 56


Played an 11 player live SNG too and here are some hands. This SNG I might add was a night for beats. See if you can see what happened better than I.

AdKd vs Kh9h - spiked the 9 (that was me by the way with the K9)

A's vs KQ - Rivered a straight (runner runner by the KQ- that was me too)

A's vs X8 - The X8 hits a runner straight (not me)

K's vs XX - Runner flush for the XX (not me)

9's vs AJ - With a flop of 9 A K, turn of Q and river of 10 (yup my 9's)

Then... 7 players left. I am big stack with 2 limpers. UTG and button. I have KdJh on the bb and I check.

Flop - Jd, 8d, 4d - I lead out with half the pot and UTG folds and I get a caller (in hindsight- Miguels said she was taking a long time to call- Hollywood)

turn - 6c - I push and she instacalls with the nut flush... Ad2d

River - 10d

Lucky I had about 600 left after. What do you guys think? Yes, top pair was overplayed. I thought she had the A of diamond but not two diamonds.

I was able to crawl back up to win in.

Last hand... with the same person who got me with the flush...

Me on the button - K's - flat call. She checks.

Flop - 6, 8, 10 - She pushes... I call and she shows 67

Turn - 4

River - J

Good game.