Location: Quezon City, Philippines

Married to a wonderful wife

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Raising Pre-flop...

This topic is made evident to me after a tournament where I busted out on the bubble because I wasn't able to put the player on a hand and therefore is a topic on this blog.

Why is raising pre-flop good? I know a lot of you have your opinion on this and they may be similar to my reason...

- Gives you a pre flop edge to callers
- Allows you to "put" a player on the hand (depending on what you think his playable hands are)
- Gets rid of any face/rag combination (not always!)

On one tournament, I was holding a premium hand 3 way and I decide to limp it in. (AJ)

Flop - 992... everyone checks

Turn - A... I push thinking I am ahead. I was wrong

Somebody was holding a Q9 off.

River - 5

Oh well, that is why you need to raise pre-flop.

Good game.


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